A Scary, Then Exciting Moment

{ Friday, September 2, 2011 }
So today was a wild trip.

I came home from work to an empty apartment and, a few minutes later, a text from Velle saying he was at his sister's, doing laundry.

"I have to leave tomorrow".

Tears. Lots of tears. I wrote back "What?" His reply: "My sergeant called to pack for 30 days." "What?" That's all I could say. I kept thinking: How could they do this? It's labor day weekend. How can they do this to me? He can't leave yet. I have so much time left. We've argued so much the last few days. I feel awful. He can't go tomorrow.

He never answered, so I freaked a little and rushed over to his sisters. When I got there, he was sitting on the porch. "I have to go to Vermont. They are in a state-of-emergency. My orders got cancelled."

Joy! He doesn't have to go to Afghanistan!! Just Vermont for a month. I'll take it!

Just then his sergeant called again. Turns out it was a huge mixup. His sergeant completely forgot he was supposed to be leaving (he's going with another unit) and thought that my boyfriend meant his orders on the base...those were cancelled.

His sister said to call him back and say we'd rather Vermont for a month than Afghanistan for a year.

It's so true. I would take him leaving tomorrow for a month...instead of leaving in a month for a year. I was so excited. But everything's back to the way it was this morning.

But I know better now. I'm going to stop fighting. I totally realized just how little time we have and how we should be spending it in love and happy with each other.

I love him so much. I'm going to miss him even more.


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