Two Days...

{ Tuesday, September 20, 2011 }
Ugh. He leaves on Thursdayyyy.

How did we get here?? Where did the time go?? And jeezzz, we have a ton to do still. I have class tonight and work tomorrow and I don't want to go. For a ton of reasons. I wanna be here every second he has left at home. I also need a minute to take care of all the things we have to do. He's literally no help sometimes. Picked up his nephew from preschool early today so we're watching Spongebob. While, my incredibly annoying boyfriend is passed out on the couch. Helloooooooo, you have packing. You have phone calls. You have a million things to do. Wake up!

I can't be mad at him though. And I can't bring myself to wake him up either. I just don't want to waste time nagging him. Plus, nagging never helps. Just makes people mad at each other.

Our apartment is a total disaster. But that's my project for Thursday after he leaves to keep myself busy. We still don't know what time he's leaving though.

I'm excited for tomorrow because we have date plans. But I'm dreading it too because it's my last full day with him before he leaves.

Ughh. The emotional turmoil is like, too much. I'm so in and out of life right now... it's crazy.


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