I put him on that plane, cried the whole way home, curled up in bed, took a big whiff of his smell on his pillow and got up. I've been on the verge of tears since, but I decided to start OPERATION: KEEP BUSY.
That's what I keep hearing. "Keep busy. It'll go by fast." Yea but when you're at Day 0...Day 365 seems like forever away. So I can't help but be negative here and say it's going too slow. Go by fast all ready. But what the hell right? I was all ready planning on keeping busy to keep myself from spending all day dreaming about what he's doing and feeling sorry for myself.
So, tonight Phase 1 of OPERATION: KEEP BUSY went into action. Writing my Deployment To Do list. Here we go.
1) Keeping up with this blog. Therapeutic and a time consumer.
2) Cut my hair. Velle loves it long. I want to cut it so bad. So, I'm doing it while he's gone so he'll never miss it.
My long, red hair. |
3) Learn to cook. Cooking books and experimentation here I come!
4) Quit smoking. This one is Velle's goal while he's overseas. So, I'm going to too!
5) Decorate the apartment. We moved here only just in June...I've never gotten around to it.
6) Excercise everyday. I'm going to need to with all the cooking I'll be doing!
7) Graduate college and get a job. This is on my life list, period.
8) Get a tattoo. I've been dying to do this since I turned 18, just haven't had the balls...
9) Take a trip to Canada. I have family up there I haven't seen in ages.
10) Take a trip somewhere alone. I've never gone anywhere alone.
11) Spa Day! I got a gift certificate last Christmas and I have yet to use it.
12) Read 20 classic books I haven't read. I started Oliver Twist ages ago...I just didn't get past page 10.
13) See 20 movies in theaters. This might be another alone thing too. I've never done that either...
14) See as many plays and musicals as possible. Velle hates them. My mom loves them.
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How can you hate this??? |
15) Go out with friends I haven't seen/talked to in awhile.
16) Save 1000 dollars before his return.
17) Send as many care packages as possible. Possibly some samples from my new cooking skills??
18) Learn the art of extreme couponing. You have no idea how long I've wanted to be able to do that.
19) Make a scrapbook. I've always wanted to do this. I just don't know what the theme will be yet.
20) Have fun.
That last one is super important.
The last thing he said to me before he walked away was "Remember to have fun." I know he's worried about me...that I'll sit around the whole year just waiting for him to walk through the front door. Because, I am a home-body. When faced with the crushing dilemma of going to a bar or staying home and watching a movie, home always wins. And I know he's worried I'll be sad the whole time. I'm worried about this too.
But he told me to have fun. Gotta follow orders right?
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