
{ Thursday, December 29, 2011 }
I'm feeling kinda bubbly and happy today. Like, my normal self while my boyfriend is home. We got to talk on the phone today for quite awhile since he had the day off. And I was feeling kinda giddy when I woke up this morning. I'm not really sure why. I just know that I'm happy.

And talking to him made my day SO much better!!!

It makes me kinda sad for a little bit after we hang up because it makes me wish he was on the couch next me and we could continue talking all night like we used to. But mostly, hearing from him makes me really happy.

The best part about us is that we totally get each other. And we laugh. A lot. Those are the things I love about our relationship. And, yea, us being apart is totally depressing. But the fact that we can get on the phone and crack jokes and talk about our silly friends who are getting married like we're not half a world apart is amazing.

As for the me waking up giddy thing? I have no clue. I got the most sleep I've gotten in awhile since I've been sick. That probably had something to do with it. But who knows?

I'm glad I'm beginning to feel normal again. Kinda. I mean I feel sorta empty because my other half is away. But seriously, I'm not such a whack job anymore.

That being said, I'm going to be a total loser on New Year's and do nothing but enjoy my own damn company. I know I sound like an old bitty. But my choices are hang out with all my couple friends who just got engaged, or go out to a club. Yea. Passing on both. One of the girls from work...her fiance is working New Year's Eve so we were thinking about popping open a bottle of wine and having girl time. But, I'll be happy curling under a blanket and watching Night At The Roxbury (one of our favorites!) all by myself.


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