7000 miles apart...But closer everyday...

{ Wednesday, January 18, 2012 }
It's amazing. I think that the distance has officially made us closer together. I think, so far, we're a better couple and are more in love than ever.

I started getting this feeling when I was getting some not-so-obvious hints about engagement rings. Now, my bf is a total goof, but one thing he never jokes about is marriage or kids. He always gets this look on his face like he's about to be sick. The most I've ever really heard him talk about it was him saying it was essential he waited til he was 25 to get married. Mind you, we've been dating since we were 21. We are now 23. It always annoyed me that he said that because 25 is oooold. But either way. He just started bringing up princess cuts and white gold...just dropping it into conversation like it was normal.

But that's not the part that freaks me out. Today, we're talking about plans for when he comes home and somehow we get on this topic about him leaving when we fight. My boyfriend gets angry and leaves. Just leaves. He refuses to yell at me or talk or anything until he's driven around town 100 times or spends the night at a friends. This can be completely without warning, just up from the couch and out the door, when all I did was ask if he paid the cable. This frustrates me a lot too because I'm such a fighter. When I get mad I get mad then and there and I want to deal with it then and there. I hate sitting around with my own thoughts (cause, I don't know, I might realize that I'm WRONG...but that rarely happens...). He just likes to cool down. The worst part about that though is we never talk about stuff. Like by the time he walks back through the door I'm over it and on to the next thing and he ignores it. Which makes us brew up and fight again a few days later.

But today he made a promise. To not do it anymore. That he was being a child running away from his problems and he only wants to make me happy.

I'm completely blown away. I know my boyfriend would change and mature a bit during deployment. I just didn't realize it would be pratically overnight. Part of me was afraid of that because I thought he would become a little TOO mature for me (I mean, I'm currently eating a handful of Nerds and wearing Stewie boxers... I have a lot of growing up to do). But at the moment he seems like he's in a good place. And it seems that being apart from me has made him realize somethings he has done wrong with the relationship.

And the same thing goes for me too. I've realized I react too quickly and sometimes being able to sit and think about something helps sometimes (Patience, you must have patience).

But most importantly, we've realized how important we are to each other. And it's a wonderful feeling.


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